We should provide food for the poor people

We should provide food for the poor people

During these days in pandemic, many people are not having enough food to eat because they’re suffering with their everyday life, they don’t have enough money to buy food. We should help them not just living the best in your life. we need to help each other. 

Only 8.4 crore poor in India, claims a new study - The New Indian Express

Now imagine if you were poor, how would you like it if you were poor? And couldn’t support you and your Family for food. Now don’t say it their fault because that's very selfish of you. Admit it, you would also do the same as them. You’re starving and you don’t money to buy a food, you would do the same as them wouldn’t you? Going on the street and begging for food or money to people. Imagine walking down the streets seeing an old woman begging for food to eat. What would you do? Some people may ignore it but you’re not suppose to ignore it. They’ve been starving for who knows? Maybe hours days or maybe weeks.


 Nobody deserve to be starved to death. Everyone has the right to live. the food waste by those same rich & ruling classes is utterly sickening and disgraceful, There's definitely more than enough food to go around in the world. Most of the people that are suffering through food poverty have kids. Those kids won't be listening in school because they would be thinking of how hungry they are and being hungry can affect your health. and for that they would get bad grades which could get them in trouble at school and that can lower there self esteem which can lead them to not trying and them living in the streets. Around 1.89 billion people, or nearly 36% of the world's population, lived in extreme poverty. Nearly half the population in developing countries lived on less than $1.25 a day.  And you’re just wasting food not caring about some people who are suffering with their daily lives. Instead of wasting food, we should gave it or donate it to the poor people.

 Wasting food may be safe, reasonable decision for some, study says

 helping poor people is a blessing. God gave that blessing for you and you should be thankful for that. Share your blessings to people, not just do whatever you want and have fun all by yourself. Think about the poor people, God has given you a blessing and share it to the people who needs it. Everyone needs food, otherwise how are we meant to survive? If we don’t have food to keep us moving and staying healthy its not possible to work and make a living for ourselves and our families. Everyone should have the right to live a healthy life especially when there are tones of food being wasted every year. Thousands of people are dying because of hunger.

Food Distribution Drives Provide Relief to Hunger Pangs of the Poor

No one deserves to go through the main of starvation, that's why we should all provide food for the poor. All human beings need food to survive and there are so many people who waste their food every day. Food is one of the main things needed in life and some people are going without it. even just one piece of candy. ONE PIECE. when you just give them that one piece of candy you can see their smile on their face. imagine, ONE PIECE. you can already see that they really need food.

The world food program States that poor nutrition causes 3. 1 million children under the age of five to die (45%) every year and about one out of six children in developing countries are underweight. If wealthier people have a large amount of food and money they should help provide the amount of nutrition needed to lower the risk of hillier dying around the world. Everything we eat does something to our body in some way and the nutrition in the food we eat helps the cells in our bodies to execute their relevant functions. We all need to survive and because people are dying of starvation and we need to help the people in need. There is more than enough food being produced in the world to feed everyone. That’s why We should help them.


