The Mysterious Dream


The soft gentle breeze carried away the small piece of paper that Linda so desperately tried to grasp with her hand. She had been sitting on a cliff with a giant rock rested on the top. She sat against that rock every day for that place had a meaning to her. It was where she went to calm herself. She wrote music there. She practiced playing her violin there. She wrote many stories on that same cliff. Every day that she went up there she felt happy. No other place was as special as that hill.


As the music sheet flew out of the stack of papers and she reached out to grab it but her foot caught on the edge of the cliff and she fell. Her screams were drowned out by the wind as it picked up almost as if it was trying to grasp her body. Noticing the fast approaching sea, Linda smacked her hands together and pulled herself into a diving position. Not even heart beats after, she hit the water. Pain shot up her hands at the force of the impact. She kept floating down until her weight naturally started to rise and bring her to the surface. Gasping and sputtering out the water, Linda hauled herself to the shore. With heavy, shaking strokes she eventually brought herself to the sandy banks and stopped to catch her breath. Never again am I reaching out like that to get a sheet of paper. Next time I’ll just use an extra stored at home, she thought as she pulled herself up and began the process of limping back home.


How am I going to explain this to my parents? Linda thought as she finally approached the front door. Still shivering and smelling like salt water, she listened to the sound of laughter coming from her parents and her siblings. Slowly and gently she opened the door and stepped inside. As if on cue, her mother and father stepped into the living room. Widening their eyes at the sight of me, both began to pester me with questions. I explained what happened to me and my mother immediately ran to grab a towel as my dad stood in the room with me.

“Why on earth would you reach out to the edge like that? You know you have extra copies of your music at home do you?” My mother yells in a concerning and slightly irritated tone of voice. As I was about to reply she shushed me and led me into the kitchen where I had stayed until I went upstairs to bed.

I had a nightmare that same night. It was about me falling off a cliff. I saw myself go into a diving position just before I hit the water. I even saw myself struggle to the surface of the salty blue ocean. And lastly, I saw myself lying on the hot sandy beach gasping for air as the sun slowly started to settle. Everything looked exactly according to what had actually happened.

That is until I noticed something or someone standing off in the distance. I squinted my eyes until I was finally able to see who the mysterious figure was. It was a person dressed in black. From the broad shoulders I guess that the mysterious person was a male. All of his clothes were black. He wore black boots, a shirt, long black gloves, maybe black socks, and even a long black cloak with a hood that covered his face. Strange, why is he here? I didn’t remember this person being here. But I was falling and screaming for my life so there would be no way for me to see someone standing on the edge of the rocks.

Then something weird happened. In my dream, the figure was facing away from me. Then all of a sudden he faced me. His hood prevented me from seeing his face. It was as if he was staring at me. I got chills as if he lifted his hand, extending one of his fingers out, and aimed it straight at me. How can he see me?? This is supposed to be a dream! He’s pointing in the direction of where I’m standing! I was absolutely stunned. Then the figure opened his mouth as if it were to say something. The wind picked up and carried his words away, lost forever. Then everything started to fade away. No I’m waking up. I need to know what he said! My dream disappeared. Silently screaming and breathing heavily, I opened my eyes and tore my head away from the pillow. I glanced around my room, now terrified and confused. That was a really vivid dream, well nightmare, I thought quietly. It almost seemed too real. I looked over at my clock. I had only slept for three and a half hours. And it was still well before the sun due to rise and make the sky bright and blue. Slowly I glanced outside.

The moon stood bright and full against and full against crashing waves of the sea. Very faintly, I could see the part of the cliff that I had fallen off to earlier in the day. Next to it I saw the sand bank where I crawled out of the water. Watching the calm waves slap against the sand and rocks soothed me. I finally calmed down and laid my head back onto my pillow. Tomorrow I will go to the place where I saw the mysterious man, I told to myself as I calmly drifted back into a lightened slumber. The smell of the sea my mind close to rest. I had almost forgotten about the man. That is, until I saw my missing sheet that I was trying to grab laying next to my pillow. I didn’t sleep at all after that.
