The Samurai's Journey

Elijah S. Hermosando

Once upon a time in ancient japan there was a samurai who was travelling across the land to find the strongest sword in the japan called enma they say it could cut mountains in two and split the sea. It was so known that every samurai in japan would do anything to get a hold of it while he was travelling he was ambushed by thieves they stole his gold then they left him on the street then suddenly a woman who was passing by found him she directly brought him to her house he woke up and said “What is happening,Where am i?” The woman answered “You were hurt so i brought you in my home,Now sit down your wounds are very deadly” The samurai listened then the woman treated him she asked him a question “ What were doing hurt in the road” The samurai answered “I was ambushed by some thieves and they stole all my gold”.

After a few days the samurai finally went out after his wounds healed he went back to travelling until the woman called him and she said “Let me travel with you as your exchange for me helping you” The samurai answered “Ok but it is a dangerous path so be careful” She said “Ok” While they were on path on finding the strongest sword they met group called the yakuza that were burning down houses of people the couldn’t play the taxes, the samurai shouted “HEY YAKUZA FACE ME AND LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!” The yakuza boss answered “What could a mere samurai and a woman do to 100 men?” The samurai just pulled out his sword so did the woman.

The yakuza boss saw the samurai's sword thinking “I’ve seen that sword before-” But was interrupted by an attack from the samurai the samurais slashes were very swift and deadly hes speed was so fast that yakuza boss could barely keep up but his minions managed to interrupt the samurai with all the attacks focused on the samurai the woman managed to slice the leg of the yakuza boss in pain the yakuza boss ordered a retreat as soon as they left the villagers thanked the samurai and the woman giving them food and clothes after that the samurai and the woman helped them fix their houses after 20 days they left the village to find the sword (enma) they travelled across the land until it was midnight they stopped at a city called kyoto there they planned to rest after that day they went out to buy supply after that the samurai said “You go for now i'll walk in the streets for awhile” While walking the samurai met a old man the samurai knew the old man he went to kyoto for a reason this old man was famous in the underground they say he knows the way to the sword the samurai asked the old man “Where can i find the sword called enma?” The old man answered “You will find the sword after you beat the 5 guardians of the sword i'm warning you young man quit now before you die” The samurai answered “I will never give up i will get that sword no matter what it takes” The old man answered “ You have determination but determination isn't the only thing you need,Here have a photo of what the sword looks like".

The samurai was surprised to see 2 swords then he asked the old man “Why are there 2 swords?” The old man said “I saw a lady with you earlier i was thinking she would like one” The samurai was grateful for his kindness and gave him food and left to the house they were staying at the woman looked at the photo and said “This is the sword were looking for?” The samurai answered “Yes dont let appearance fool you it is the strongest sword out there” The woman asked “Whats with the other one?” The samurai answered “Its for you” The woman blushed and thanked him the next day they left Kyoto to find the first guardian there were rumors about a giant ogre in the forest of despair they went there first they found alot of bones it seemed like there was not a single life in the forest then suddenly BOOM! The samurai managed to save the woman he asked “Are you okay?” She nodded then the samurai looked at the beast the ogre asked “Who dares enter my forest!?!” The samurai pulled out his sword the ogre recognized it he said “ So your the wielder of Shushui one of the 10 great swords of japan?” The samurai smirked and unleashed his attack but the ogres skin was very thick the ogre laughed and replied “I have faced many samurai my skin is tough as iron” But the samurai wouldn't give up the woman stood up and helped him he said to her “Focus your attack on 1 area” She did what he said and she managed to scar him out of fear the ogre took this battle seriously the samurai taunted the ogre saying “Scared by a small scratch?” The ogre fell for it and consumed by rage blindly attack taking this chance the samurai attacked the ogres eyes to blind him the woman cut of his feet and the ogre fell the samurai looked at the ogre and asked “Where is the second guardian of the sword?” The ogre answered “You will find him in hidden within the emperors castle but at this moment the ogre managed to injure the samurai by blowing as hard as he could and the samurai hit a stake that cut a hole in his liver the woman cut the ogres head and helped the samurai get out of the stake they rested in the forest since it was getting dark while the woman was healing his wounds he asked her “Do you know how to get to the emperors castle?” She replied “You believe him?!?!” The samurai answered “Yes because he told me so” The woman answered “I cant believe you trust him he just injured you…..” The samurai answered “Shush there someone here watching”.

To be continued
