The Story Of Gastly The Bull


Long ago in a distant land, there was a bull named Gastly. He was born into a lovely family. He has one sibling named Carl. He was born in a city named Cork City.

His father’s job was being a bullfighter. Gastly’s mom is a house mom taking care of him and his brother. Gastly’s dream is to be a bullfighter but a better one than his dad. Gastly wants to compete in an international league for bull fighting. But the problem was, Gastly was a small bull. Unlike other bulls like his father, he is less strong than his father. Also, he is short and shy. So for Gastly to become a fighter like his dad, he should overcome all of these struggles and doubts. “Sorry Gastly, you don’t meet the requirements of joining the academy.” “You? Why would you join this academy?! You are too skinny and short to join the academy!! Get out!!” Gastly was very sad when he heard the comments of the academies he applied to. At one point Gastly wanted to quit and give up his dream of being a bull fighter like his father.


So when Gastly was old enough to work, he decided to work at a local mill. His job is to grind grain to making flour for baking. He was taught how to grind grain, showing some ways to grind the grain faster and how to make bread. He also harvests plants like rice, grains and other things like fruits. One day while Gastly was working, his boss said “Your brother is seriously ill. You can take the day off to take care of him”. Gastly was shocked and sad to hear his brother in that condition. A few hours later, his brother died. It is a sad day for Gastly and his family but there is much more to come.

The next day his boss said, “Hey Gastly. Sorry you had to hear this but, the mill is going to shut down. But do not worry because I will transfer you into another mill”. “That was a relief. So where am I transferring? I hope it is near because I have to help my family at home and I still I have to do my studies, one more year to go and I graduate from college”, Gastly said. His boss said “Oh about that.” “Do not tell me that I am transferring to the mill in the countryside” Gastly interrupted. His boss said, “Sorry you are moving to the countryside”. Silence in the room. After the talk with his boss, Gastly told his family that he was moving to the countryside. “Oh that was a relief. Well at least you still have a job”. “I don’t want to move away from you, mom and dad. I feel scared, and how can I study I am almost done with my studies. One more year to go”, Gastly said worriedly. Gastly never went to the countryside before. His father said, “Well look how much you have grown. I would suggest that you could be a bull fighter like me. I am about to retire from bull fighting”. “That is a great Idea dad,” Gastly said. “But which academy should I go to? My dream is to compete internationally like in the International Bull Fighting League”. “I know where you should go. You should go to the Cork City Bull Fighting Academy” his father said. “That is a great idea. Do you think the trainers will remember me after all these years”? Gastly said. “Let us see, hope they would accept you this time” His father said. So Gastly and his father set off to go to the Bull Fighting Academy in Gastly’s home town. When Gastly and his father arrived at the academy and asked for a trial, one of the coaches remembered him. The coach said to Gastly, “Hey I remember you. You were the one who tried to join the academy a long time ago right”? “Oh yes he is my son” Gastly’s father said. “Well it looks like you have grown a lot since then. Is he going to join the academy to become a fighter?” The coach said. The father of Gastly replied “Yes he is joining this academy. He wants to be a fighter like me but better.” “Ok let us start training then”, the coach said. Gastly and his coach started training in no time. After the request of starting the training, the coach noticed something about Gastly.  “Hey sir, I noticed something about your son. He gets tired quickly. Do you know the reason why he gets tired quickly?” the coach narrated. His father said, “I have been noticing that he has always been sleeping late and waking up early. Also he has not been eating well recently.”

The following week, the coach of Gastly told why he is getting tired so easily. Gastly said, “I have not been sleeping well because I am always so excited when we start training that I could not sleep. Also, I am eating a lot of unhealthy foods recently.” The coach understands and said to Gastly, “It is ok, I understand. But make sure this will not happen again ok?” The coach asked. “Ok, I will try my best not to do it again.” Gastly said. After months of training with his coach, his coach asked him, “Are you ready for the test? If you pass the test you can compete internationally.” Gastly replied, “Yes I am ready, hope I would pass.” Gastly passed the test with flying colors. “I am so happy that I could scream!” Gastly joyously said.

He would go on to celebrate with his family. After a few weeks, he flew to America to start his career on fighting, there he met his coach. It turns out that his coach was his coach in his academy. “Hello again Gastly are you excited to start?” “Yes, coach I am ready to start.” After his first year, he started to win more battles, and by his tenth year, he had won nine championships and a 5-time Best Fighter of the Year Award. Everyone in the world knows his name, kids look up to him and want to be like him. From a small bull from Cork City to one of the best in the world. And they all lived happily ever after, The End.


Moral Of The Story:

No matter how hard is it to accomplish your dream and no matter how hard the trials, never give up on your dream.
