We can Help Change the World

 In the world we live in there are many flaws and we should try to remove all of those.I am gonna Tell you  about these flaws and how we can work together to stop this

There area many corrupt Politicians around the world but people seem to ignore this type of behavior. This is only one of the many flaws of the world we live in.

there are people Polluting the Oceans and the lands where animals and humans live in. there are also many countries where basic human rights are neglected. and there are people who do horrible things just for money.

Us humans break the ozone layer from polluting the air but the ozone layer help protect our planet from the intense heat of the sun. We also have air pollution which is caused by the carbon dioxide released by the car when it is driving and by the factories that we make.

One way to prevent air pollution is to drive a hybrid car. These cars run primarily on electricity so it does not use harmful gas. If everyone drove a hybrid car the rate of pollution will go down. Also there are smart cars that run totally on electricity. Another solution to stop pollution is to not use aerosol hairsprays. Believe it or not the gasses produced by aerosol hairsprays are harmful to the ozone layer. We could also use renewable energy’s to help stop pollution. For example we could use solar energy or wind energy to power our factories, cars and homes. This could work but everyone
has to have an active part in helping the environment.

We can also stop water and land pollution by not littering around places which animals live in.
we should also start  reusing reducing and recycling which would help the Earth. we can stop using plastic bags, bottles, etc. 

Pollution is a very big problem around the world. Together we can stop pollution and other stuff so we can make Earth a better place. so what can we do to help the Earth?
