Our Greenery

Let’s admit, vegetables are important part of our diet. It is essential nowadays that we take nutritious foods in order to stay healthy.   Our lifestyle and health problems such as obesity, hypertension and other heart diseases are increasing and that is the reason why we should eat healthy.  Planting our own green garden will be an advantage as living without vegetables will put us on a high risk. We can decide whether to continue buying our veggies from grocery stores like we normally do or have our own produced food that is beneficial to our health.

Research has shown that home grown foods have high nutritive value. It contributes different amount of vitamins such as Vitamin A and C, minerals and folic acid that is necessary for better body development.  It maintains low blood pressure since we are consuming less fat and less calories in comparison to other foods. Furthermore it fills our body withdietary fiber to clean our intestines with lots of potassium for a healthy heart. It is also considered organic because of low exposure to chemicals and growing in natural way makes it healthier.  Eating 5 servings of vegetables a day can lower the risk of many diseases including cancer, kidney and heart diseases. Furthermore, planting our own vegetables in our backyard for example is a good source of Vitamin D as exposing to right amount of sunlight makes our bones stronger and healthier.

Some advantages of growing our own vegetables are we can save money, time and effortWe don’t have to spend too much to stock it inside our fridge that often times get rotten and will be wasted. If we have our own home grown veggies, it will be readily available and fresh. This saves money which can be used to more important human needs. In addition, if we produce more vegetables, we can make some business out of it. Selling our own product will help us sustain our needs financially. Moreover, it can help us save time and effort by instead of going to the supermarket to buy vegetables using our car, we can just go to our back or front yard to harvest or replant our own produced vegetables. Thus, it will create more time to spend with our family or to other home activities and more time to rest.

The third reason on why planting vegetables in our garden is important because it teaches us to be more productive. We can improve our skills in planting, watering, producing and even propagating. We can be creative in fixing our own garden and make our environment clean and green. We will be having fresh air and oxygen that will increase the growth rate of the plants. However, doing all these things takes a lot of hard work but by starting to make one will help us improve not only ourselves but our family as well. With vegetables constantly growing all the time, we can now enjoy our new useful advantages by growing our own vegetables. Gardening everyday is a stress reliever and a way to relax from a hard day. It will make us productive especially when you have kids. Teaching them how to garden and farm helps them in the future when they want to farm and grow their own vegetables too when they get older and learn how to be responsible and this also teaches them the value of hard work, making them realize the importance of learning.

The fourth reason on why we should grow our own produce is because it can reduce food waste, not worry about food safety and enjoy better tasting food. But why are these important? Well, to answer that question, we must look at why being able to enjoy better tasting salad and greens is important and beneficial. These help us develop a good appetite of eating healthy foods since we are constantly eating them all the time now that we have an almost infinite supply of vegetables and fruits. But why do we have to worry about food safety in the first place? Well vegetables or any meat and food that we buy at public places already have a lot of problems, such as foods being dirty or not properly clean, farms with dirty animals that have not been washed and people who prepare the food are not washing their hands which causes global pandemics like Covid – 19. We can contribute also to lessen the trash as plastics and covers are not being used if we have our own foods from our garden.

We now have a good source of fruits and veggies so we should put this farm we have created to be functional. If our garden is a producing farm with well products all year round,  we don’t have to worry about losing or running out of food or stock. We surely know that the foods we serve to our family is one of a kind as it came from our own harvested hard work and well grown labor of love.
