Penmanship is Important

      Penmanship is Important

Penmanship is the art of writing by hand. By adding penmanship to your handwriting makes your writing elegant or explicit. Adding this gives the readers a tiny detail of what could be the writer's personality. The theory underlying graphology is that handwriting is an expression of personality; hence, a systematic analysis of the way words and letters are formed can reveal traits of personality. One of the first things you learned when you were small was learning how to write letters or numbers. The handwriting you had when you were small was probably messy or somewhat unreadable. In your everyday life, you will need a pen or pencil to accomplish some task it would be for either school or work.

Having great penmanship is important so people can understand your writing. If your penmanship is unreadable you will leave them clueless of what you wrote, this is why we are taught in our school to properly write. Another important reason to have great penmanship is that Handwriting can help us slow down and fully engage with our thoughts. Writing down your problems can help you manage your stress in many different ways. First, the simple act of sitting down in a quiet place to collect your thoughts can have a positive impact on your mood. Getting away from stress triggers in your life, it could be situations or people, can greatly improve how you feel. You probably have a diary or journal where you write things that happened to your life. Having this journal is very convenient when you want to tell something to someone but just do not have anyone to tell. This also acts as a stress reliever. According to various research studies, writing has the ability to regulate and control stress and anxiety in the following ways: It removes the need to visit a doctor and promotes self-therapy, and it reduces the symptoms of ill health and fights off sluggishness and apathy.

Having great penmanship does not only help you relieve stress but it also leads you to having stronger Academic Performance. Research has proven that there is a positive connection between better handwriting skills and increased academic performance in reading and writing. Great penmanship also boosts our memory. Through various tests and studies, Dr. Ronald Kellogg, PhD, found that writing uses the verbal working memory, which is essentially part of your short-term memory. Also According to research in the 2013 neurology journal Cortex, feedback involved in any form of handwriting puts multiple areas of the brain in action simultaneously, encouraging brain cells to communicate and connect with one another. Both print and cursive writing builds memory and retention.


In addition to this, the importance of penmanship makes handwritten notes to friends and loved ones intimate and personal in a way that email and typewritten text cannot fully convey. Nothing but handwriting can fully represent the mood and personality of the writer. Also being able to write effortlessly enables the mind to focus more fully on a topic. Struggling with handwriting takes valuable brain energy away from any writing task, but when that skill is mastered, it makes all the difference. Steve Toepfer from Kent State University studies “author benefits”. Toepfer says by making a habit of writing thoughtful letters of gratitude, “you’ll feel happier, you’ll feel more satisfied, and if you’re suffering from depressive symptoms, your symptoms will decrease.”

The importance of penmanship is not always, about how beautiful or neat your handwriting can be but there are also different things that you can figure out about your messy handwriting. A messy handwriting can mean you're a very intelligent and creative person. However, there are a few studies, which suggest the opposite, that neat handwriting is linked to higher intelligence. Aside from that, it is said that there are also negative things about messy handwriting. Your messy handwriting can mean you have low self-esteem or have mental issues. It could also mean you could be very volatile and have a bad temper. However, none of this has been proven. A messy handwriting can also mean you are a very emotional person. Many people who have messy handwriting can also be carrying emotional baggage. Often this writing is filled with a mixture of cursive and print letterforms, usually slanted to the left. Regardless if you have bad or good handwriting, it is guaranteed that handwriting does not define who you are. You can be a person who has messy handwriting and be very joyful or either way. 

In conclusion, penmanship is important to us because this is something we can use every day. This is important because we can use it in our school and work. This can boost our minds and make handwritten notes more special. This can also become a stress reliever for us and can give us stronger Academic results in our school. Penmanship can also help our mental health.
