Take a Break: Meditation and Words of Affirmation

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well.” Psalm 130:14

Welcome to this page, this is a safe space for you to relax your mind and focus on yourself. Take a moment to meditate and tell yourself the words of affirmation you need. 

I am proud of you. You have gotten out of bed and prepared for a whole new day. You have done well this week; you have taken care of yourself and done your best to do your work, no matter how big or little the task.

You are amazing. You have achieved so many things and many more to come, no matter how small. You can overcome anything that comes in your way because you are strong and determined. You can do this.

You are wonderfully made. You can imagine, think, create and do so many things you love and experience the wonders of living. You are attractive, beautiful, handsome, you are unique and blessed with the body you have, you are wonderful the way you are.

You are loved, you are loved way more than you think you are. You deserve the world, you deserve all the happiness, love and blessings you receive.

              You are in control and you can find happiness. You can create the boundaries you need and focus on your growth. You are a great person regardless of your past or your present, you can improve yourself to be the best version of yourself.

              You will succeed in your goals. Progress is progress, no matter how small. You can push your limits and go beyond, you are unstoppable. Believe in yourself and don't give up!

               I hope that these affirmations will encourage and motivate you in your life. Feel free to read it again anytime.


