We Can Change The World.

April 4. 2021

Jc B. Tan


The world has changed over the years. This is a world where its easy influenced, That’s why we, the beings in earth has the right to change it, This world may turn good or bad that’s why we must support each other to create a new society of good, not pollution and disgust.

We humans must bring other beings to support this world, The walking creatures, The flying beasts etc., No one in this world has the right to destruct this world, but we have the right to be free so there’s a difference, The world is a place where ALL of us has the right to live and to be free, but nothing goes to plan most of the time, other people like worlds that are full of policy and democracy, That’s not a terrible opinion of course, But this world has always people debating each other, There is no space for everyone to agree to you. But there is a way that we might all agree to one argument and change the entire world itself, That’s what I hope at least. People these days are more on gadgets, while in the other hand, Other people prefer outdoor sports and reading books, That’s alright, People have opinions that our minds inherited, The world is a compressed place of different opinions, good or bad, That’s why there is no “perfection” in this world, But there is “Good” People in this world has a life to live for bad, That’s why, again, the world cant be easily attracted to one opinion, but MANY, this world isn’t a place to live and get hard work in this world seems normal but its not always that hard, technology influenced the world and the world now a days is populated with automatic bots and gadgets and that makes hard work less hard. Manual work in the other hand is true work, We need food and shelter to survive and that’s what’s hard work for, we work for the food and shelter which is good in the eyes of god, We should not always be free and live a life without sweat and pain, But we have the right to be free obviously, The right to be free is not permanent, That’s why we should change the world to a free like place where the world isn’t filled with pollution, Yes the people now a days are working hard to clean this world, But every now and then new plastic bottles, dirt, trash, and waste fill up the earth, that’s why I must pursue you to help us change the world to a better place a place where pollution is lessen, if that were to happen this world will have more joy and smiling faces, but we just cant reject our world right now, this world is permanent and god is waiting in the other side, so the best possible deeds and accept yourself to fulfil the dream of most people, removing pollution, yes, there are some parts in this world that are very clean, Because of hard work. Changing the world to a better place is the main priority to some people, If not, Most people, but there are still people that are debating towards this world, some people completely reject this world, that’s why let us try to convince people around the world to work with us, to fulfil the dream of changing this world to a better place, This world can’t be destroyed so easily, that’s why, while we still have the chance to change this world, lets try our best to reduce pollution and crimes, because its not over yet.

We can change the world indeed but its not easy, we have to influence the entire world ourselves to support the world like what it deserves, but people can never change their minds but that’s ok, there are still NO perfect opinions, opinions must be all accepted because this world cant manage the world in 1 opinion, its not going to be possible if we ALL just ignore our freedom and focus in one goal, to make a better place, Pollution is created because of the ignorance of people not throwing their waste in the right place, we must all accept others opinion and try to reduce pollution ourselves, along with some other people we convinced that’s why there are some accounts in social media that influences us to support the cleanliness of this world and stop the pollution.

That’s why we must protect this world no matter what and change it to a better place, while accepting others opinions, no one in this world only lives or evil, people can change too, that’s why we must try at least, to influence people to work hard to keep this world save and none polluted like what it deserves.
