School On The Evenings


School On The Evenings


For hundreds of years, education has been a part of our lives. To help us learn more and prepare us when we reach our adult years. School starts by us having to wake up at early in the morning to do all are daily things then go to school, but once you reached your 1st class you can’t concentrate because on how tired you are. Personally for me I hate waking up early to do anything. So isn’t it easier to just go to school in the evenings? Just think about it for a moment, and you won’t regret it! We could have more hours to sleep, more hours to do work and help out with our family and also advance study on our lessons. And it would also benefit teachers, they would have more time to relax, more time to prepare for class, and do anything they want. I mean if you ask me it would be a great change for all learners and workers or teachers to have class in the afternoons.

My first reason why school should take place in evenings is because students who wake up early in the morning may experience bad mood, and may suffer lack of sleep. According to NETDOCTOR ‘’ Depression, Stress, and the changing seasons can all lead to a negative mindset in the morning, ’’ This is related to the topic because students might get depression due to lack of sleep or stress in the morning. If we changed the time schedule for the school to be late afternoon or at least 12pm students might not have any more bad moods and they can also fix they’re sleep schedule, and also according to the American Academy Of Pediatrics’’ they have recommended that middle and high schools start at 8:30 a.m. or later to give students the opportunity to get the amount of sleep they need, but most American adolescents start school too early’’ My second reason is to prevent risks (mostly for teens). Teens that can drive can prevent car crashes this is also because of lack of sleep but I think this is a separate reason from the first one. When teens go driving they can be distracted easily by their gadgets or tiredness which can cause them to get into crashes. Actually the AAA says that drowsiness contributes to more than 100k crashes per year. Teens can prevent this by having a right sleeping schedule or the school should start class later. My 3rd reason is students and teachers would be more coherent or participate more in class. It’s because students would have more time to prepare themselves, (dress up, eat, pre-study, get energetic
or fully wake up) for class and same goes for teachers. They can prepare their brain to go through the obstacles or class quizzes, exam’s, or questions asked by the teachers. For teachers, they can prepare themselves to teach the students and answer the questions students might ask the teacher. My 4th reason is improving our physical health.
Early school start times do not just affect mental ability and mood. They also have an impact on physical health. Sleep deprivation increases the risk for diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Researchers believe that a lack of sleep alters hormone levels and puts additional stress on the body. Early school start times may contribute to diabetes and obesity in several ways. They would eat more than sleep; tired students may reach for foods high in sugar or caffeine, hoping that they will get a temporary boost. This puts them at risk for serious health problems.  And lastly it gives a chance for kids or students to eat breakfast. Since students have school in the morning they have to rush to catch online class or onsite class, which makes them skip breakfast. And if you didn’t know breakfast is the most important meal in the day, because it would be your energy till lunch or dinner. And if you didn’t eat before school you wouldn’t have any brain power making you unable to answer the questions your teacher wants you to answer. But if we have class in the afternoon or evening we could eat our breakfast and not be in a rush, we can decide what to eat if we want to eat a sugary snack or a healthy fruit. And reducing the prevalence of on-the-go eating options can promote a healthier weight and better personal nutrition, which further increases the chances of a positive individual learning experience.

What do you think now? Should we still have school in the morning or evening? Well I hope my cases (mood swings, lack of sleep, physical health, eating breakfast) would make you change your mind that school should take place in the afternoons.
