The Forgotten First Lady Of My Life


After 10 years of marriage, my own significant other arranged me to take another lady out for a late night dinner and to watch a movie. She said " I love you, however I realize this other lady loves you more than I do, and I know this woman would love to invest some time with you."

During the afternoon, As soon as i heard my wife tell me her plan for me this evening I started to get  curious and suspicious why would my own wife would think of such a ridiculous idea. After a warm shower I dressed myself up with a casual dress with a black pants, white long sleeves, and black coat. 

As soon as I finished getting ready. I headed out after saying good bye to my wife and children. I bought some flowers like my wife told me. 

But soon I realize the other lady was no other than my own MOTHER, who my better half was eagerly wanting me to see and meet. 

However, the responsibility and dealing with my three youngsters was turning into a heavy weight behind my shoulders for this past 8 years. It prevented me from truly seeing her as she became a widowed woman 5 years ago... 

That Midnight was bring back recollections of my youth, back when me and my mom would go out and joint together and appreciate the happy night sky with the sparkling stars from the skies above.

Tears began to spill out of my eye tops, and my mom asked " What's wrong ?" following up with " Are you well?"

The only words I was able to utter was "Thank You!!!" I promise to see you often and bring your grand-children with me so that they can as well experience the loving presence you emit and feel your love" After I firmly embraced her

And ended the night with us laughing and smiling while talking of the past and present events that has happened in our lives and planned to see each other again with my wife and children with me for a wonderful day we would all remember. 
