He's free princess


Marian and princess are on their way to school. Marian is actually princess’s aunt but they are almost the same age. 

Marian: hurry up princess! Why do you look so gloomy.

Princess: my father is not feeling well. I worry too much about him.

Marian: so you better go home early then. Do not play around with your peers.

They both part ways in the hallway and proceed to their respective classroom. Princess can not concentrate on her lesson. She keeps thinking of her sick father.

She immediately gathers her things after her class and walked to Marian classroom.

Princess: hey Marian let’s go. I need to catch the bus and be home. My mother needs my help in taking care of my baby brother and my father.

Marian: okay, I am almost done here. You may go ahead. Just send me a message ones you are home.

Princess went home early. Upon reaching home, she immediately help her mother. She also assist her father and tell him stories of her day at school. Princess loves her father so much.

Princess: PA, when I finish my studies, I will work in an office and buy you a car.

Papa: that is very good my child. I’m happy you are growing well.

Princess: you are very supportive papa. Please get well I love you very much.

Princess then helped her mama prepare their dinner and assist her papa in eating. Afterwards she went to sleep.

At dawn, her mama woke her up because her papa is still not well. They called her grandfather and auntie to the hospital. Princess clings to her papa, telling him to stay strong and to hold on.

Princess: papa, please do not let go.

Papa:my daughter, I do not know if I can hold on much longer. But please take care of your brothers when I’m gone.

Princess and her aunt and her mama are crying they can not bear to see her papa looking tired. They also prayed to God for guidance.

Marian is always in school but she can’t find princess. She then send her a message

Marian: hey where are you?

Princess: my papa left us. We are so sad right now.

Marian : I am sorry for your lost my dear. I will inform my parents about what happened. Be strong for you mama and brothers. Your papa is now an angel guiding you.

Princess knows she needs to be strong. She is the eldest and her mother depends on her. She believes her papa is watching them from heaven.

Princess: papa, I know you are happy now in God’s Kingdom. I will fulfill my promise to study hard. You will be my inspiration. I will never forget you.
