Little girl

Little girl (Declamation) 

By: Nickole Kim B. De Jesus

Yes, I am a little girl.

I am still young and I still got a lot to learn.

But that doesn’t mean I’m stupid.

That doesn’t mean I can’t learn and tell you I’m right.


I know what is good and bad for me.

I know what is wrong and right for me.

I own this brain and body.

I own this life I am living on.


I am a little girl,

And that means I’m still growing,

And growing means learning,

And learning means knowing.


Yes, I am a little girl,

A little girl who is strong and smart,

A little girl who is brilliant and inventive,

A little girl who is talented and will grow up amazing.


Yes, I am a little girl.

So don’t go looking at me like I’m not one,

Don’t treat me like I’m old enough to be catcalled,

Because you said it yourself, I’m too young.


But no,

I am not too young to not say my opinion,

I am not too young to decide what is good for me,

I am not too young to understand what is happening.


You got it all backwards.

You think my body is old enough to be used,

And my mind is too young to share my opinion.


No, but my mind is old enough to be brilliant,

To make a decision, to delineate good from bad, right from wrong,

And it knows you are wrong, because you don’t see how my body is mine.


I’m not too young,

Your too old.

And I know your crossing the line.
