Moon Love


Moon Love

By: Nickole Kim B. De Jesus


Hi, my name is Skyler, and this is the story of my first love. I live in the world where legends and magic are real. My mom and sister Kylie can control water and my dad is a warrior, and me I don’t have any magic, but when I turn 18 I’ll be a warrior just like my dad. I am 15 and I always train and practice my sword, while Kylie practice her water bending.

One day, Kylie and I decided to visit our cousins in the other town, there I met Neoma. She has white hair like snow, eyes like the blue sea, and brown skin like soft sand. She was beautiful, she was admirable. Neoma’s family was like the ruler of their town, she’s like a princess. Soon Kylie and Neoma became friends so I always see her, I became close with her too after some time. Every time we hang out with Neoma, I can never take my eyes of her, she was also so kind, she would give apples to the poor and play with kids on the streets.

One night I was walking around the town, admiring the beauty at night. Then I saw Neoma standing on the bridge, staring at the moon, her eyes were shining bright from the light of the moon. “I never knew a girl like her can be even more beautiful.” I whispered to myself. I walked up to her and as I got closer I saw her crying. “Neoma?” I asked. “oh- Skyler…! I didn’t notice you there.” She said wiping her tears. “Why are you crying? Is something wrong?” I asked her. “No, no… I-I’m fine.” She answered, trying to hide her pain with a smile, I held my hand out to her and told her, “if something is wrong is bothering you, you know I’m here, you can tell me anything.” She stayed silent for a while and sighed.” Well… I like you Skyler… like a lot… but just a week ago, my family planned an arranged marriage, and this person I’m going to marry is a good person… yes… but he’s… he’s not you” she said trying to stutter, I stayed silent for a while then we heard a loud bomb and saw a house on fire. 

We both ran to the town and saw people attacking the town, I saw my sister Kylie running towards us and said, “RUN! WE HAVE TO GO!” We started running, then Neoma said, “I know a place where we can hide.” We ran towards a wall and inside was a small secret garden, there we saw a big single tree and a small pond with two koi fish, one black one white. Spinning around each other looking like yeing and yang.

After a few minutes, a man suddenly appeared. “WHERE IS THE MOON SPIRIT?!” He yelled at us. “I SAID WHERE IS THE MOON SPIRIT?! IT MUST BE SOMEWHERE HER!!” “W-we do-don’t know!” Kylie said trying not to stutter. “then you must be the moon spirit?” the man said pointing his sword at Neoma. “WHAT?! NO! SHE’S NOT THE MOON SPIRIT! DON’T TOUCH HER!” I said bringing my sword out. “oh, look what we have here.” The man his sword down and went to the pond. “WAIT!! NO!! PLEASE DON’T DO ANTHING TO THEM!” Said Neoma reaching out. “So… where is the moon spirit? Is one of them the moon spirit?” Neoma stayed silent. “I’m taking that as a yes.” He said, then pulled the white koi fish out and set it in fire. “NOOO!!” Neoma yelled out.



Suddenly the light of the moon disappeared and turned red. “I WAS RIGHT! IT WAS THE MOON SPIRIT! My job here is done.” The man said throwing the koi fish back to the pond. “Now people will call me ‘The great Man who darken the moon’!” He yelled out and went out the garden. Neoma started crying, “I was the one who’s supposed to protect the moon spirit, and I have failed. Now darkness will come every night.” “No, it’s not your fault, we had no idea the fire kingdom was going to attack.” I said hugging and comforting her.


She then stood up and up and walked towards the pond where the koi fish were. “When in was a baby, I was sick, my parents brought me here and the moon spirit healed me, that’s why I have white hair and blue eyes. I owe my life to the moon spirit.” Kylie and I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. “Maybe I could give back the life the moon spirit gave me.” She said, making me feel broken and hurt. “No! you can’t die! I love you Neoma and I know you know that! Please don’t leave!” I begged her, tears building up in my eyes. “I’m sorry Skyler, but I have too. This isn’t just for me, this for everyone.” She said, placing her hands on the white koi fish and gave her life to it. Bright blue light was surrounding both of them. the koi fish then started swimming around with the black koi fish just like yieng and yang. Neoma was now no where to be found. She then suddenly appeared in the air with long white dress flowing everywhere. “Skyler, I love you too, and I’ll always be here with you, you can look up at the moon every night and you’ll see me” she said and faded away.


Kylie and I went back to the town. “So she did it?” Her father said. “I knew one day she’ll turn into something great.” He continued. “She was brave, your daughter” I said. “she was a great friend too, a great person, and now she’s a moon spirit.” Kylie said “thank you for being a great friend to her too, for giving her the best laugh, and for making her smile when she gets home.” Her father said then give us some food a water. “take this, for your trip back home, and take this Skyler, it’s Neoma’s hand knife.”


After a while, we went back to our home town and every night, I would look up the moon and talk to her before I sleep. I would also hear her beautiful humming voice making my sleep better.


The End.


(This story is inspired by Avatar, Sokka and princes Yue love story by Nickelodeon)
