"We Should All Grow Our Own Vegetables"

We usually go to groceries to buy vegetables. Sometimes we didn’t even give much thought about the foods we buy in the grocery stores. In fact, it became like a routine and more comfortable but have you think growing vegetables in your garden or at your house? its not that hard, Growing your own vegetables in produce a simple solution to numerous health, environmental, and economic problems. Not all of us has a garden but Whether you have a small or a large backyard, and even without a backyard. If you don’t have space for a garden at home, a community garden is another option and many other options too. Gardening help’s to control urban/warmer  temperatures. Gardening/planting is like a hobby .You can also control if you like it or not, like the plant or anything. You can do this too with your family and friends, Like a time with your family and your friends, So Here is my reasons/the benefits why you should grow your own vegetables;


First, you get more Nutritious, because it is more packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The produce in groceries stores go through a long process of being harvested, shipped and distributed to stores. Once distributed to the stores, the produce can end up staying in storage or on the shelf for an extended/a long period of time before being purchased, losing the nutritional value. Second, Gardening is a fun way to get outside for some fresh air and physical activity. It is like getting a exercise too. Also involvement in gardening helps to improve cardiac health and immune system response, decrease heart rate and stress, improve fine and gross motor skills(body movements), flexibility and body strength. In addition to this, relieve stress, anxiety and depression, can also see and learn about how plants grow and there stages on how they grow. Example, celery, potato and more. Third, You can save a lot of money by growing your own vegetables and fruits by spending on seeds, plants and supplies, You can reproduce them too, you will produce vegetables that will yield pounds of produce in summer, Organic food is increasingly popular but most shops treat it as a luxury item to be sold at a premium price. fourth, Getting Vitamin D, Vitamin D helps you to maintain healthy bones and teeth, and it can also protect against certain diseases. Gardening is a great way to absorb vitamin D, known as the sunshine vitamin, and other vitamins too from plants. Fifth, It taste better, Its more enjoyable and offers a greater nutrition than what you typically find in stores. Plus, when you grow your own, you eliminate “food miles.” This benefits you because, again, the food is fresher. But it also benefits the earth,as well as the nature. sixth, It can also help you to be more responsible, patient as well as being organize, when growing your plants in your house or garden, as well as growing your plants in your garden or house is a big responsibility in your part,and lastly, It also helps our environment without harming it, by growing your own food, you are not using chemicals or pesticides that can harm environment, sometimes stores use chemicals to maintain them but loosing there nutritious. Growing your own vegetables helps the environment in at least a couple of ways.  Growing your own food garden contributes to your food security by providing direct access to food that can be harvested, prepared and fed to your family or to give too your friend’s daily during the growing season.


Thus, The conclusion is that, growing your own vegetables is more better and safer then buying in groceries, like saving money, relaxing, enjoying it, as well as more. There are so many reasons why tending/growing a vegetable garden could bring both personal and environmental benefits, such as not harming the environment, control over your plants, Control over pesticide use, making you happy, as well as lessening your stress. Growing vegetables can help in a lot of things! In fact, it is essential that everyone should grow there own vegetables, so they can be always healthy, And if you plant them, Until such time as by growing your own vegetables you may end up eating more, which is good for the health of most, as well as more. In regards to, Few of us have the time or busy to grow on a scale that would make us self-sufficient but it’s still worthwhile to take a step, At least step-by-step, So After reading these, you may be thinking it’s time try gardening. There are many other great reasons to grow your own food, So try it, you may find it fun, and also You may not regret it sooner or later.
