

 Sometimes in life people are afraid to fight back to gain their freedom . They are bound by their shackles and too afraid to break free from them. But what I say is break the chains that hold you, it's ok to fight back when needed. People are not are prisoner that are bound by these chains that hold them. It's ok to fight for what you want , don't let other people get to you. Don't let evil win, fight back and break free.

I was once like that, I was once bounded by these so called chains the person who did bad things to me I didn't fight back. I didn't say anything back. I just stayed silent, the silence was my chains that held me back. But I was taught that it's ok to stand up for yourself to fight back if that person does bad things to you. So I broke free. I broke free from this silence and stood up. I got my freedom back.

   In life, your gonna go through things that can cause you to feel like your in chains that you  feel like  can't break free from. You'll have friends but, you will also have enemies. Sometimes those enemies will talk about how they see you and that you should change. That was another thing I went through. I didn't like who I was, I wished that I was someone else so the other's would like me. I thought about changing myself . I asked myself '' Do I have to change myself so I can fit in with everyone else , so  I can feel normal?''. Well the answer is no, because I didn't need to change who I was because this is me. Be proud for you are no matter what anyone says about you. Be the best person you can be in your life. Don't let those person's word get to you . Don't change if you don't want to.  And most importantly love who you are.

Don't let any negativity turn you down and make you be bound by it. If you do then, your letting evil win. Don't Evil win let the Good win.

This blog is meant to encourage others to fight and stand up for themselves no matter what. And to proud for who they are and not to ashamed of how someone else sees them. Remember to think positive and don't let the negative side get to you. There are good people out there in the world that love and care no matter what like family, friends and many more. It just takes time to find them.

Remember to be the following  below:




