My Kind of Day

I lie in my comfortable bed and look through the clear window,

I see the sun shining with no thoughts of sorrow.

So I walk out of my bed and left tomorrow,

Arrange the white sheets neatly, tight, and thorough.


I checked out the kitchen and prepared my nice meal,

A plate full of rice and some saucy veal.

I look out my room and plan my day,

Before my mom will and leave some mandatory orders to say.


I tidy myself and comb my short hair.

Turned on my lightweight computer and sat on my large easy chair.

Clicked on tricky Google and patiently surfed away,

Moved to Youtube and watched hearsay.


A notification popped up on my handy screen,

It’s all endless social media streams.

I click and I clicked and I clicked away

Oh, shoot I didn’t learn anything today.




 Odaymis Aubrenn Amarille

Grade 5- SRK

